Only My Opinions

We Are God

God is not a man, although a man is a part of God. God is not an idea, even thoughany idea is an idea of God. God is not anything in particular, because any particular thing we could ever conceive in our minds or perceive with our senses is a part of God. The closest identity of God we could experience is one that is not any particular thing but includes everything. The closest point of view to that of God is therefore, one that would encompass all the possible points of view in existence. God is all things – the oneness of being and purpose.

The nature of God could therefore be found in the unity of all created things. Regardless of the form or the place in creation where anything could be found, each thing remains in unity with all other aspects of creation through the purpose of its existence. Purpose is the essence from which nothing in existence could extricate itself, the primary reason for its existence. The purpose of creation is peace, and it is the essential nature of God. Peace is the ideal that all religion, spiritual teachings, science and all knowledge aspire to achieve, as symbolized in concepts such as heaven, nirvana, paradise, Shanri-La, utopia, equilibrium, equality – all of which are how our different states of mind conceptualise peace as the ultimate ideal.

Creation is the distribution of this oneness into different forms of space, time, size, distance, method, color, temperature and ability, among others. All of them are perceptions of the same oneness of existence from different perspectives, which results into the created or manifested reality – situations of life. Because of our more physically oriented way of life, we tend to regard creation as a separation from the source, whereby a piece is physically separated from the bigger thing it is a part of and made totally independent of it. This is what we regard as the created.

However, even with the seeming separation of one form from another, purpose is the underlying essence that connects each piece of creation to all the others in it, regardless of where it is located. Purpose is in the mind and peace is purpose in the mind of God. It is the primary essence of God that everything retains in itself – a basic and most important means of communicating with all existence. The uniting purpose of peace in all creation is what keeps the manifested and unmanifested aspects of existence one. It is this oneness that makes us often refer to God as the uncreated – the unseparated or unmanifested. The function of peace as the fundamental means of communication in creation is the basis upon which the concept of (holy)spirit is founded.

In the unity of God, there is no separation or otherness. All concepts of distance, time, material and mind come together to form the oneness of being – a mind that perceives itself as everything. This mind is the one that decides on how to experience the harmony of its vast being by either exploring within itself – in its imagination – or outside in the physical things it decides to create. The Big Bang is but one way in which this vastness, concentrated in a particle – an idea – actualises itself into physical reality.

The oneness of God is a difficult state to comprehend when we consider reality in terms of physical identity by which the distinctions we draw between any two things are based on their physicality or how the mind expresses itself through them in a situation, and not on the oneness of the mind that created them. Our insistence on situational expressions of the mind is based on the beliefs we have of ourselves as physical forms that would die if the mind is allowed to identify itself with things that we do not believe ourselves to be. By equating our identities to specific forms that we create is what causes us to believe that they need to be vigorously defended and to surrender them would cause us to die. The truth is, we would simply find the more of who we are and the fact that we can never die but only create forms that make us happy; sustain them or surrender them and create others that would make us even happier. We would find the very concept of death itself to be a perspective that could be realised as a dream, a season, a piece of ice that melts and is used for drinking water, an idea or any situation that is within us to sustain, or allow to come to an end.

Each thing that we could imagine or perceive physically is a part of God. It is a physical expression of the will of the mind, actualised through the forms, features and structures we see that are meant only to serve as reflections of the will of peace in the mind that created them. Any structure that exists or that we create is what God chooses to be in it, expressed in the form we perceive. Each form is a perspective of God. To then express ourselves in any way and find shared happiness in what we are being, is the realization of the purpose of being that way, and to express our being in as many ways as we can, is to begin to understand our true nature – the nature of God –  and to know that each one of us is in all things and all things are in any one of us.

When we decide on any specific role we have and regard it as the defining and exclusive purpose of our lives – such as with any professional skill or ability – we are in that case seeking to understand God only  from that point of view, to the exclusion of others. We then regard the end of the happiness related to that role to be the end of happiness in our lives – very often, the end of life itself. This is the reason why we often lose our sense of meaning whenever we lose anything that we used to identify ourselves exclusively with, such as a job; a relationship or ability, among others.

It is indeed possible to explore the entirety of God through any one part of creation or in this case a role, since anything that exists is a part of the oneness of creation and could serve as our doorway to the totality of God. This could happen the same way that we could live in the same house for many years and still find ever more happy reasons for continuing to stay in it.  However, to do this we need to be willing to accept any one situation of life as the vastness in which our unlimited identity would continue to reveal itself to us – an identity that does not end when one form in a situation ends, but continues to reveal itself through the different other forms that would flow from that same situation. This is a way in which we find various ways of relating to any one thing and create a variety of happy experiences that make us want to continue to be wherever we are.

Anything in life that we embrace and explore more of, continues to reveal itself in ways that make us want to continue to relate with it. This is the reason why any relationship we make is based on happiness and ends when we perceive that happiness to be unavailable. Our beliefs of unavailability of happiness are the point where we put a limit on the unlimited possibilities that any form could provide – a point of surrender of that form where we begin to anticipate happiness through another one. Lack of happiness is never a sign of limitation in the form itself, but a limitation in our understanding of the fact that all forms are one with the mind that creates them, and the mind is eternal. Based on an eternally creative mind that creates things, forms – including our physical bodies – are also eternal and could be in any way that the mind wills them to be.

Everyone of us is a god – a perspective from which the wholeness of God could be experienced. Every one of us is God, because even though separated from each other by situations, we remain one with creation through peace or shared happiness as its primary purpose. There is no power in creation that is beyond anyone of us. Any of us is as fluid as the mind is and able to assume any perspective in existence. To begin to realise the nature of God, we need to begin to see any one in our environment as God being them.

Take a walk in the street and see different people doing anything or going in any direction. Whoever you lay your attention on, think of them as God being them in flesh. Know them to be there because existence would not be complete without them. Try to assume their perspective; where they were before you got to see them; where they are going; what issues they are currently dealing with that make them be as you see them. See the form they are taking at that moment; their bodily features, beauty, flaws and moods as the tools that God chose as most suitable to realise the purpose of peace in their situation. Watch any flower lit by the bright midday sun, or treetops lit by the dim rays of the setting sun; see your surrounding and all things in them, including the flowers or the trees from your own perspective. Then, begin to see the environment where you are with them from their own perspective. How are they looking at it and what do they see? From these different points of view, let your own view of the environment you are in with them begin to improve from seeing it from a broader perspective. This is the beginning of wisdom.

“The beginning of wisdom is to fear The Lord”. We cannot be wise without firstly understanding that everything in life matters and secondly by making an effort at understanding life from the perspective of each of these things that matter. This is respect for creation. Respect for life makes it easier to find harmony with each thing that we have made an effort to understand, everywhere we encounter it. The wisdom to understand how the various factors in our perspectives relate to each other, help us to begin to create in ways that are more considerate of these relationships.

Our ability to create harmony with everything in our perspective, changes how we identify ourselves as individuals. This is because we no longer attribute to ourselves the limitations we had before we realised how able we are to adjust to even the people, things and situations that we regarded ourselves to be too different from and therefore Impossible to find balance with. Anything in life that we are able to find a state of balance with, becomes a part of how we identify ourselves and one with us. This is an inevitable consequence of our interactions with it, since the harmony we find with it is a result of our ability to attune ourselves to it at the same time as it attunes itself to us. We realise our oneness with it the moment happiness in our relationship becomes mutual.

The more we interact with anything in life, the more our understanding of it grows. Our interactions are our ways of communicating with each other using the mind and the physical aspects of our environment to impart to each other the story of our own pursuit of happiness, and allowing others to determine how well they could help us to achieve it as we decide how well we could help them achieve theirs. In that way, our own pursuit of happiness in life is not only our own, but an existential collaboration with every part of creation – each of which exists to serve and to be served this PEACE.

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